Exercise 31- Statistics

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Exercise 31 Cherilyn Way HLT-362V Grand Canyon University November 12, 2013 Questions to be Graded 1. What are the top two groups whose results are reflected by the t ratios in Tables 2 and 3? Program Effects on Cardiovascular Risk Factors - Table 2: this table describes the effects of the health promotion program on common reversible cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI, and systolic blood pressure. Program effects on Health Behavior - Table 3: this table describes the effects of the health promotion program on modifiable health behaviors such as health responsibility, exercise, diet behavior, stress management, and smoking. 2. Which t ratio in Table 2 represents the greatest relative or standardized difference between the pretest and 3 months outcomes? Is this t ratio statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. The total risk score is 4.14, the greatest relative or standardized difference between pretest and 3 month outcomes. This t ratio has a statistical significance of 0.05 - the least acceptable value for statistical significance. Also the larger the t ratio, the smaller the observed p value and increased odds of being able to reject the null hypothesis. 3. Which t-ratio listed in Table 3 represents the smallest relative difference between the pretest and 3 months? Is this t ratio statistically significant? What does this result mean? Total health behavior at -3.02 is the smallest t ratio that is statistically significant. The smallest relative difference that is not statistically significant is stress management at -0.63. The reason that this ratio is not statistically significant is because the value used to determine significance was lower than 0.05. The smaller t ratio has an increased p value and the odds of being able to reject the null hypothesis are diminished. This result means

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