Essay on Mrs. Danvers

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What is the significance of Mrs Danvers in the novel “Rebecca”? Rebecca, by Daphne Du Maurier is one of the major gothic novels of the century. Mrs Danvers appearance, personality, relationship with the late Rebecca and connections with Manderley lead the reader to believe that she is the most interesting character of the novel. Mrs. Danvers is significant in the novel as she leads the narrator to express her feelings of fear and dislike for her. This gives the reader an opportunity to be in the narrators’ perspective, as well as giving the reader a chance to feel what the narrator is really going through. Mrs. Danvers is able to bring out the narrators opinions and by the end of the novel the narrator gains immense amounts of confidence, after going through what must have seemed like hell, with Danvers to thank for it. In the beginning of the novel, Mrs. Danvers appearance comes across to the narrator, as she feels scared and intimidated, even thought she is meant to be “Mrs. De Winter”; the mistress of the house. This shows that Danvers has a certain heir of authority at Manderley. Whenever the narrator describes Danvers she uses words such as: “gaunt”, “hollow”,” black” and “white skull”. This gives the reader strong ideas of how dark Danvers truly is. The narrator constantly seems to be frightened of Danvers as she says: “It was Mrs. Danvers…The face of an exulting devil”. As she describes Danvers’ appearance as being “devil like” we can be sure that Mrs. Danvers appearance contributes to the levels of the gothic plot. She is significant to the novel as she is suggesting something very supernatural, as skulls seem to be a reminder of death. Du Maurier not only gives the reader a detailed description of her but she is also giving the reader vivid imagery of what Danvers could look like. Furthermore, Du Maurier is able to give the readers a real sense of her
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