Early City Religion

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Ia a centralised religious function a consistant feature of, and what role(s) may it have played in, the early cities you have studied? My study of early cities for this block of the course has indicated to me that a central religious function did indeed have a consistent role throughout the cities that I have studied. A city can be defined by Childes criteria which briefly states that in order to be classed as a city the site must be a permanent settlement with a large differentiated population, that there is trade and that there is payment of tax to a deity or king. Different cities in different regions used their religion in a way that was beneficial to them, be it a leader to whom all the people could worship, a sign of status and wealth…show more content…
At the centre of Teotihuacan there was a large pyramid the Pyramid of the Sun which had great religious significance (Pre-Columbian Art and Art History website) built over a large natural cave. Religion was such a powerful tool for running the city to the extent that thousands of people were willing to move themselves and their families to live within a ‘grid plan’ (Scarre, 2009) of the city set out by the central powers, they were also willing to give their lives to fight for their city and sacrifice themselves to the gods. Lots of the artwork found at the site depict that The Temple of the Feathered Serpent was where the young male sacrifices were offered up to their God. The influence of Teotihuacan has been observed at the nearby Tikal site ‘recent hieroglyphic and iconographic evidence suggests that a group of foreigners, bearing titles and insignia associated with the site of Teotihuacan arrived’ (Pre-Columbian Art and Art History,n.d) these foreigners would have bought with them the laws and influences of Teotihuacan therefore converting Tikal to their religion and increases the kings…show more content…
I have shown examples of how religious belief was used to build bigger societies and states. The extent to which religion was used varied throughout the world but it was important to allow trade with other cities, showing their wealth (huge temples, pyramids with extravagant carvings), status, the collection and distribution of commodities in the name of the relevant divinity, it bought communities together (to make them stronger in war and to make the people feel safe that they were strong) and people would worship their leading even to the point of sacrificing their lives to their
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