Domestic Violence and Conflict Theory

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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND CONFLICT THEORY Domestic violence is a phenomenon that runs rampant in every social class. It is a crime that does not discriminate against gender, religion, social status or culture and most shocking, age. Anyone can be a victim or perpetrator. It is a crime that was once considered a private affair and was kept secret within the family. But over the years, domestic violence has been discussed openly amongst the media, doctors, and law enforcement agencies and in the courts. Laws have been put in place to protect victims and prosecute offenders but this phenomenon still continues. Reportedly, 95% of victims of domestic violence are women and 12% are men. What is domestic violence? Domestic violence refers to a pattern of violent and coercive behavior exercised by one adult over another in an intimate relationship. It may consist of repeated, severe beatings or more subtle forms of abuse, including threats and control. (Unknown, 2005). According to C.J. Newton’s article “Domestic Violence: An Overview: The rates of domestic violence vary along several lines, including race, gender, economic and educational status and geographical location. Gender trends: Women make up 3/4 of the victims of homicide by an intimate partner. Actually, 33% of all women murdered (of course, only cases which are solved are included) are murdered by an intimate partner. Women make up about 85% of the victims of non-lethal domestic violence. In all, women are victims of intimate partner violence at a rate about 5 times that of males. Racial and Ethnic trends: Black women and men suffer from the highest rates of domestic violence. "Black females experienced domestic violence at a rate 35% higher than that of white females, and about 22 times the rate of women of other races. Black males experienced domestic violence at a rate
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