Discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of Situation Ethics

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Situation ethics was developed in the 1960’s by an Anglican Priest, Joseph Fletcher. Situation Ethics is an ethical system which embraces the fact that love is the only moral criterion and all of our decisions/actions are to be judged by the question, ‘What is the most loving thing to do?’ This question shows that whatever is the most loving thing to do in a situation is considered the right thing. Fletcher and Robinson didn’t mean just any kind of love, it had to be unconditional and the sort from one human to another. It is not based on romance, sexual attraction or any relationship at all; it can be from one stranger to another, as well as between people who know each other. It is the love that Jesus and St Paul talked about in the Bible – AGAPE. Situation ethics is ideal because agape appeals to both theists and non-theists: C. S. Lewis was a theist and he said ‘love himself can work in those who know nothing of him’; whereas B. Russell was an atheist and said ‘what the world needs is Christian love or compassion’. Situation ethics means that there is no ethical standard that can be uniformly or consistently applied, for each situation demands its own standard of ethics. It basically states that sometimes other moral principles can be cast aside in certain situations if love is best served. Situation ethics was created upon the belief that there are no universal moral rules or right because each case or situation is unique and deserves a unique solution. Situation ethics is flexible and practical. It takes in to account how complex human life is and can make tough decisions when, from a legalistic stance, all actions seem wrong. It teaches that ethical decisions should follow flexible guidelines rather than absolute rules, and be taken on a case by case basis. Situation ethics treats people equally and is democratic, this is suitable to changes that have been
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