Deaf Community Essay

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The deaf community is always surrounded by misconceptions. People who are deaf and hard of hearing face daily challenges that most hearing people never experience. Sadly, before taking sign one and sign two, I was one of those people who had many negative misconceptions such as deafness is genetic. All people who are deaf will pass deafness onto their children. But fact is there is a type of deafness that is genetic, and some deaf people do have deaf children, however ninety percent of all deaf people were born to hearing parents and will also have hearing children. Unfortunately, I am not the only hearing person who mistakenly has misunderstanding toward the deaf community. Researching misconceptions in everyday live of the deaf world I came across many ignorant misleading’s hearing people thought of deaf people. For example, deaf people don’t want to be deaf, they are hoping for some miracle cure that will make them hear. Reality is deaf people actually like being deaf. They consider it more peaceful than being able to hear everything all the time. A deaf person I know prefers to be deaf because she thinks the hearing community is insensitive and she does not believe she could live in a community in that way. Many deaf drivers are historical when they are asked how they drive; after all they are not blind. Another common misconception about deaf people is that they cannot drive a car. Deaf people drive cars all the time. In fact, some studies have shown that deaf people are actually better drivers than hearing people due to the fact that deaf people have enhanced peripheral vision. If you think about it, nothing about driving really requires you to be able to hear. After all, there’s a reason emergency vehicles have both sirens and lights. They can clearly see the stop sign and stoplight. Also, they do not need to hear a train come from across town when the

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