Dbq: Reform Movements

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Between the years 1825-1850, Americans has entered a new stage where we sought to expand democratic ideals in our society. We have shifted some of the way we are living and made changes on our traditional principles. Some reforms that we believed helped expand our ideals include temperance, abolition, women right’s, and religions. These reforms, which the people believe, would make America as a “utopian” society. Some of these reform movements failed but some didn’t, for example, The Second Great Awakening led a path for equal rights and the desire to bring order and control. One of the biggest reform movements was abolition movements. William Lloyd Garrison spoke passionately against slavery and help fought for the black rights and published his newspaper,” Liberator”. Abolitionism like Fredrick Douglas and Nat Turners were leading figure of the movement for their bravery in escaping and rebelling against the white slave owners. These escape slaves had an escape route known as the Underground Railroad which was a route that took them to Canada, a free state. This reform inspired many slaves’ women, for example, Patrick Reason created an image that show a picture of a female slave with a quote “Am I not a women and a sister?” This image shows how these movements ties with each other because the desire for rights. [Doc J] Many women found a connection with the abolition movement and also played a role of rights for women. The Seneca Falls Declaration written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton argues to declare their rights to be free as man are free. [Doc B, I] Religious issues such as the Second Great Awakening helped expanded democratic ideals by educating the people the moral standards. This was different than the first because it redefined the ideal of equality and women’s were involved. Charles G. Finney, a preacher, was influenced by the Second Great Awakening and
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