Conformity Vs. Individuality

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Conforming To Be Cool In the scene dubbed "Stewie Goes to High School" from Family Guy, the satire on American home life, a popularity contest occurs. Brian, the talking family dog, bets that Stewie, the family's toddler-genius, cannot become the most popular kid in high school given one week. The scene begins with a wide shot of the James Woods Regional High School. Meg, (the older sister of Stewie), is walking through the hallway while passing students at their lockers. Stewie is revealed to have hidden in Meg's backpack, in order to make an attempt at high school popularity. He unzips and hops out of the backpack, wearing what he thinks is an all american, popular teenager outfit: blond wig, black and a white layered shirts, jeans, and sneakers. "All right dog, here we go. Prepare to lose a bet, cuz I'm about to be the most popular boy in school," thinks Stewie aloud with a look of determination. He approaches a group of students, apparently the stereotype of high school, two blond girls with two buff jocks. "Excuse me, pardon me. Are you the cool children?" he asks. One of the blonds, with slightly longer hair, replies in a condescending tone, "Yeah, who are you?" "My name is Zack Sawyer. I just transferred here from a rich, expensive, car driving, sex-having high school," says Stewie trying to sound like the average popular teenage boy. Impressed the other blond replies "Whoa, that sounds awesome." Stewie is standing there with his hands tucked in his pockets, slouching nonchalantly, replies, "No, it's lame, everything is lame." Visibly excited the four high school students give him their full attention. "Wow, if he says one more cool thing he's in." Declares one blond to the group. "I wear long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts under long sleeve shirts," Stewie shallowly describes his appearance. The group runs over

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