Comparing The Masque Of The Red Death And The Yellow Wallpaper

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Luis LOpez English 4 Dual Credit 04/20/09 Period 3 Prompt # 3 Setting is an essential thing when talking about analyzing literature. Setting is one of the most important elements in literature. Settings can be looked at as the surroundings or environment of anything; in this case “The Masque of the Red Death” and “The Yellow Wallpaper.” The setting can be varied and it impacts a lot of things in a story, for example it would not be the same to have people die every day in Mexico, as it would in the United States. The setting in “The Masque of the Red Death” is in a palace, and in “The Yellow Wallpaper” the setting would be in a room with bars in the window and yellow wallpaper all across the room. In “The Masque of the Red Death” short…show more content…
The narrator, which suffers of a nervous disorder, is trapped in a place that is supposed to be some kind of a haunted house or an old man asylum. Primarily, the setting is taken place at a lonely room surrounded by yellow wallpaper with a window covered with bars for security reasons. When at first the woman is put into that room it can be clearly foreshadowing by the readers that the room is for crazy people and they can get even crazier in that room. This is exactly what happens to the lady, she feels trapped in the room and starts to see figures of woman in the wallpaper. The story goes by and the setting does not change, that is why the woman goes crazier and starts crawling into the wallpaper trying to help get the woman out. It is not to late before she realizes that she is insane and the woman she tries to get out of the wallpaper is only herself. There is also some kind of irony in the story because her husband puts her into that room without activity or work to help her problem. But the irony is that instead of helping her, it just makes the woman more insane because she imagines more things. The setting impacted the character in the story because the woman was in that lonely room the whole time and the woman just felt more insane. A very important quote said by Charlotte Perkins is “There are things in that paper which nobody knows but me, or ever will. Behind that outside pattern the dim shapes get clearer every
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