Comparing Curley's Wife In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

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Candy is presented by Steinbeck as being very observant in this passage as he says “I seen her give Slim the eye … Curley never seen it,” he shows he has the ability to see things from different angles a fact that is made possible as he is disabled. Candy is also shown to be knowledgeable but mostly judgmental as at the end of the passage he says „well, you look over her misses, and see if she ain‟t a tart,‟ this shows that he is judgmental of Curley‟s wife who he hasn‟t spoken to but has based his view upon look. Steinbeck uses the character of Candy very cleverly to convey important ideas about society at that time. The book is set in 1932 at the time of the great depression and in a time of racism. Candy is described as „stoop…show more content…
In the time of the Great Depression people relied on dreams to keep themselves going and because Candy had lost his dog, he now believes this is a new venture and now completely revives his spirit. Finally, Candy shows the view of women in that period. In the time of 1930‟s America, women were not valued in society and were only seen as housewives or easy sex. Candy‟s view on Curley‟s Wife represents exactly these views as he first says to George that „I think Curley‟s married a … tart.‟ This shows the view that Curley‟s Wife is flirtatious and is seen as easy sex. Candy views Curley‟s Wife as inferior and is shown in Crooks‟ room when he says „you let this guy alone, don‟t you do no messin‟ with him,‟ this shows his view the Curley‟s Wife is a tart because when he says „messin‟ around‟ he means flirting which justifys his view on Curley‟s Wife. Candy finally threatens to tell Curley that his wife was in Crooks‟ room, he does this because the view at the time is of women being man‟s possession and by telling Curley it would annoy him and get her in serious trouble, this shows the inferiority of woman in America at the
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