Comparing Ambition In Lady Macbeth And Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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There are an abundance of human qualities that can be considered positive or negative. For instance greed and ambition although possesing similar definitions, greed is a negative quality while ambition is positive. Ambition is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth. The ambitions of both Lady Macbeth and Victor Frankenstein had the power to take over their mental state and force them both into an unstable condition. Although they had different objectives in mind, either positive or negative ambitions, both are striving for a sense of power. Victor Frankensteins main ambitions were to become and uphold a godly figure by creating new life. He had grown up learning from outdated books, so this was all he knew. After attending a university in Ingolstadt and being taught new sciences he was completely blown away. Being young and naive he had a mind…show more content…
She understands the quickest way for her husband Macbeth to become king is to murder King Duncan. Not able to do this alone she calls upon evil spirits to clear her concious and give her the strength of a man. The evil spirits were only enough for her to put on a persona for Macbeth and influence him to commit the muder. After the aweful scenerio takes place Lady Macbeth crumbles under the pressure of guilt and becomes mentally insane. She is effected so much that she is driven to her own suicide. Although intentions were different, the willingness to strive for this attainment of power was one of the same. The ambitions of both Lady Macbeth and Victor Frankenstein had the power to take over their mental state and force them both into an unstable condition. This ambition that was directed towards taking advantage of others for their own personal gain is contemptuous. Both had a guilt ridden concious that led them on a path to their own

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