Compare Contrasting Attitudes to War Through Examining the Work of Two or Three Poets from Your War Poetry Anthology.

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Gareth Parker 31/01/2013 Compare contrasting attitudes to war through examining the work of two or three poets from your war poetry anthology. The First World War was portrayed as a celebrated and plausible cause, fighting the war for your country was deemed as the duty of any capable man. Going into battle was the highest honour a man could have; men were overwhelmed with the idea of being able to fight for their country’s futures. Women would at first, try anything they could to stop their husbands and sons from risking their lives by signing up for the war. At this time some poetry was written to encourage men to go and fight, poets like Jessie Pope who wrote war poetry enforced this view although other poets were had a different view of the fighting, such as Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon. These poems were written about (and at the same time as), World War I, between 1914 and 1918. In these barbaric four years 7 million men died and 17 million men were injured. World war one devastated lives. But citizens back home had no way of knowing what this war was like, especially on the front line. Without television or radio to communicate to them, they were only left to imagine the truth or read the often manipulated papers and other publications. If people had realised the true extent and the horrors of what was actually happening, morale would have been severely affected. There are many ways that the representation of war was expressed through poetry, with very different views and opinions. Wilfred Owen portrayed conflict as a negative event, using his poetry to draw a very vivid picture of life for the soldiers in many different situations. From the horrors of a gas attack, “In my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning” (Dulce Et Decorum Est. City College Plymouth handout, Page 38, 2012) the reality of

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