Compare and Contrast

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3.02 México interior - Práctica A. Answer the following about the Aztecs and the Conquistadors. 1. Describe the life of the Aztecs. What is Tenochtitlan? How big was that city? The capital of the Aztecs had 100 thousand people. Tenochtitlan was a colorful place of huge stone buildings that were decorated with beautiful carvings. It was the biggest city of Spanish. 2. What was sold at the Aztec market? Birds, delicious fruit, fresh vegetable and corn. 3. What was the main staple of the Aztec diet? Corns was the main staple of the Aztec diet. 4. What were some of the reasons that Cortez wanted to conquer the Aztecs? Cortez wanted to conquer the Aztecs because of gold. 5. What were some of the biggest advantages the Spanish had over the Aztecs? The biggest advantages the Spanish had over the Aztecs were weapons, horses. 6. What were the religious beliefs of both groups? Which group tried to convert the other one to their religion? Spanish believed in Christianity while the Aztecs had their own God. Spanish tried to convert the Aztecs to Christianity. B. Write a short composition in English comparing and contrasting Mexico City today and Mexico City of long ago (Tenochtitlan). Be sure to include: The government of the Mexico City is at central plaza (zocolo). Mexico is a federal republic with an elected president. Near the national towel is the ruins of the main temple of the Aztec Empire. The population is exploiting, over thousand people moved from the country side,and approximately is 20 million people. One - fourth of the city’s residents living in house without sewages and running water. At the other end is the wealthy residents. There are many cars, buses, and subways for transportation. Tenochtitlan population was only about 100 thousand people. They didn’t have any cars or buses, all travel by foot or boats. Their life were

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