Comparative Essay: 'Imperfections And The Birth-Mark'

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Professor Wheeler English 1020 MW “The Birth-Mark” Essay 23 November 2014 Imperfections “The Birth-Mark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne discusses the personal imperfection of a not so perfect man. The main character Aylmer is a distinguished scientist who marries Georgiana, a beautiful woman who has a small birthmark on her cheek. The mark is described to be in the shape of a human hand and filled with redness. Unfortunately, as their marriage continues Aylmer finds the birthmark to be more intolerable than before. Latter, the narrative proceeds with Aylmer yearning to remove the birthmark from his wife’s face. Oscar Wilde creates a similar narrative called “The Portrait of Dorian Gray.” The narrative demonstrates the power of perfection. Dorian…show more content…
The moral of being human is to necessarily be flawed, and to strive for perfection is to deny one’s own morality. The themes of both narratives can be understood as morality. The morality of Aylmer in “The Birth-Mark” can be seen through his journals. “The volume, rich with achievements that had won renown for its author, was yet as melancholy as record as ever mortal hand had penned” (Hawthorne 220). This example shows the reader that Aylmer is trying to hide his imperfections by trying to make his wife completely perfect. In the narrative “The Portrait of Dorian Gray,” Lord Henry tempts Dorian to indulge in an immoral lifestyle, carelessly disregarding the feelings of the people he encounter. For example, he seduces a theater perform Sibyl and then soon rejects her. For example, he leads Sibyl into a romantic love and then suddenly tells her to leave his home. Dorian thinks that he can escape from the consequences of his immoral life because the portrait takes the blame for him. But he goes too far by killing his old friend Basil Hallward and then suffers from guilt. Both authors demonstrate morality and its consequences through the given

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