Characteristics in Mannerism Painting

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MANNERISM - CHARITY by Francesco Del Rossi (Francesco Salviati) This art work reminds us of the painting “Tondo doni” by Michelangelo. This art work develops great elegance and complexity. It gives a feeling of warmth and love, as it uses softer and warmer radiance. This religious painting demonstrates the technique of oil on wood. This art work tells us a story. The naked breast of the woman represents food to the young kids. Moreover, it also represents the woman as pregnant. The young nurse at the back represents someone taking care of kids. • EXPRESSIONS OF FIGURE’S FACES Salviati exaggerated their facial expressions, but he used bolder brushstrokes and modeled the figures so that they appear sharp and angular. In this painting he treats the traditional religious theme in a non-traditional manner. The composition appears to move outward from the center of the canvas. The composition spreads across the surface of the painting with little suggestion of deep space. • PROPORTIONS OF THE FIGURE The norms of body proportions are distorted by the unnatural elongation of figures. The young boys have so many folds and have built up muscles on their body which is kind of unrealistic. But these disproportions are giving rare elegancy to the painting, instead to making it look vague. The masses of disproportionate figures emerge with intelligible relationship to one another. • MANIPULATION OF SPACE The space in this composition is unevenly filled. The picture plane is no longer constrained by the rules of perspective, and its boundaries are blurred or ignored. The background seems to stretch into infinity, interspersed with scenes apparently not related the main theme. You can see blurred characters behind, who are not even related to the main theme. • LIGHTING Just as they manipulated space and proportions to attain harsh effects, Salviati also manipulated

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