Challenges to Expert Knowledge in Understanding and Managing Risk Report

1766 Words8 Pages
Write a report that examines the challenges to expert knowledge in understanding and managing risk. Contents: 1. Introduction Page 1. 2. What is risk? Page 2. 2.1 How do we understand risk? Page 2. 2.2 How do we manage risk? 3. What is expert knowledge? Page 2. 3.1 What are the advantages of expert knowledge? Page 3. 3.2 What are the disadvantages of expert knowledge? Page 3. 4. What is Lay knowledge? Page 3. 4.1 What are the advantages of Lay knowledge? Page 3. 4.2 What are the disadvantages of Lay knowledge? Page 3. Can Lay knowledge affect expert knowledge? Page 3. 6. Ulrich Becks theory on risk. Page 3. 7. Case study: Sunburn Page 4. 7.1 Who has the knowledge? Page 4. 7.2 What are the risks? Page 4. 7.3 What is the evidence? Page 4. 8. Overall Conclusion Page 4. 9. Word Count Page 4. 10. Reference list Page 4. 1. Introduction: This report will investigate how expert knowledge can be used to manage and understand risk, It will show how expert knowledge/results are challenged when an individual uses lay knowledge as a deciding factor. I will use course materials to provide an explanation of how these different types of knowledge can influence how we assess risk. 2. What is risk? Risk is a chance of something happening, where there is a known danger or harm (Carter and Jordan 2009, pg 59). Risk = Potential harm + Possibility of an accident. When talking about risk the consequences are usually negative, with more information the negativity can decrease or be avoided and some benefit may be gained from the situation. To understand risk we must gain knowledge about the potential harm/accident. Knowledge comes from test results that have been completed by experts. 2.1 How do we understand risk? We understand risk

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