CJ 324: An Example Of Ethical Dilemmas

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Ethical Dilemma Paper By: Lucia Plaza CRJ/ 324 Instructor: PAUL NOEL 29 September 2014 Ethical Dilemma Paper We tend to see our leaders as role models and follow by their example. Our parents are the first models that we look to and learn to show respect and honor. As we grow older we start to see and notice that there are other role models that we should strive to be like. Parents always try to teach their children that if they ever find themselves in any trouble and no one is around to help, they can always dial 911. Police officers are not only leaders but role models to the general public as well. Police officers are viewed by society as people we should respect and can always count on to make the correct decision. Lately there…show more content…
The WCVB was investigating a Facebook page that had some offensive images and comments about different racial groups. The profile was created under the alias name “Al Sharpton”. Through this Facebook page “Al Sharpton” was mocking people who suffered conditions of Down syndrome, people who were homosexuals, transgendered, and also had the audacity to make a post a picture titled “The Rape Train Stops for No One” (Edward, 2014). The WCVB decided to look deeper into this Face Book page and soon discovered that it belonged to a Boston police officer named Jason Barriteaun. This was a well-known and well-respected police officer in the local community; so you can imagine then surprise and disbelief the department had when they heard they had discover Jason Barriteaun had a completely different side to him. Barriteaun, didn’t think that his different and secret perspective on many matters would come to the surface, but it did with the help of the WCVB reporter. He disregarded his ethical promise to always protect and honor everyone. Many people were shocked to find out that Barriteaun was behind this offensive Facebook page, the MBTA General Manager Beverly Scott, was one of the people that couldn’t believe that Barriteaun was posting all of this racist pictures. Barriteaun didn’t care who he hurt with his racial comments and pictures and definitely didn’t care about his ethical commitment to protect his community from people like him. What is more amazing is that when the report came out about who was behind this hatred Facebook page, Barriteaun was put on paid administrative leave and not terminated as this was a huge surprise to everyone. The Boston police department could have made a very good example of Jason Barriteaun’s case, they proved that they would not tolerate support or standby a police officer that turns his back on his ethical commitment to his

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