Biosocial Theory Essay

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BIOSOCIAL THEORY Biosocial Theory Traits + Environment = Ability to Learn & Achieve=Human Behavior (Siegel 110). This is “coined” as the biosocial theory. Biosocial theory focuses on the interaction between biological and social factors as they relate to crime (Siegel 10). It is demonstrated by its study of the brain, its function, biochemistry, and their relationship with the environment. Biosocial theory is the traditional approach with a sociological perspective (Eunho), incorporating the works of Lombrosa, Quetelet, and Durkheim. An early criminologist, Casare Lombroso was born in Verona to a wealthy Jewish family in 1835, and died in 1909 in Turin. He married Nina De Benedetti in April 1870 and had five children. His father died when he was just seven years of age. Lombroso at this time felt he then had to support his family; enrolling in college and becoming a doctor at a young age. He focused on biological traits as they linked to crime. He studied at the universities of Padua, Vienna, and Paris, and was later (1862-1876) a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pavia and of forensic medicine and hygiene (1876), psychiatry (1896) and criminal anthropology (1906) at the University of Turin. He was also the director of a mental asylum in Pesaro, Italy (Sabbatini). In 1876 the Italian Physician and Professor of Medicine, studied expired criminals. He was convinced that he made a scientific determination between criminals and non-criminals. He claimed serious offenders had inherited “criminal traits” which made them inferior. These traits could be brain function and genetic factors such as biochemical makeup, genetic code and/or neurological conditions. Lombroso marked the beginning of biological explanations for deviance (Eunho). His written anthropology works “the traditional theory” was brought to the United States in the early twentieth
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