Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of Using Participant Observation to Investigate Street Crime

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Assess the strengths and weaknesses of using participant observation to investigate street crime (15 marks) The first problem is to find examples of the target group or activity to study. With street crime, most is sudden and quickly over. How can an observer predict when and where it will take place? They may spend a lot of time waiting for something that never happens. Many other social activities – religious rituals, leisure pursuits – are far more predictable. An alternative approach is to participate with a group whose activities involve street crime. There are probably more problems gaining access to such groups than any other group except prisoners or the very powerful. Direct research opportunities may be limited by their deviant nature. The observer has to gain legitimate entry, which often depends on a lucky break. However, accessing groups involved in street crime is difficult whatever method is used. Depending on how serious and organised is it, there is greater personal danger participating in street crime. The observer also has to make difficult ethical choices about how far to become involved. This depends on whether they are observing covertly or overtly. If they have to maintain their ‘insider’ identity, they have little choice but to become involved in some way in law breaking. The young age of street criminals creates particular problems for observers. For example, they use a lot of ‘street’ language. It will also be hard for adult researchers to find an appropriate role for covert observation because of differences in age and appearance. The youthfulness of some offenders may win the researchers sympathy, which may affect the direction of the study. However, PO has many strengths. It is probably the only way to really find out what happens and why. Interpretivists are interested in exploring the meanings people attach to their

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