Asses the Marxist View That the Main Role of the Family Is to Serve the Interests of Capitalism.

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Asses the Marxist view that the main role of the family is to serve the interests of capitalism. The Marxist view is just one of many perspectives of the main role of the family. They believe that the family serves the interests of capitalism and the Bourgeoisie, and helps to maintain class equality. They also belie that the family model allows for the main provider (the man) to go out to work where the middle class take advantage of their labour. This idea is at odds with the functionalists view that the family benefits society and the family members. Marxists have split the functions of the family into three main areas which they think prop up capitalism. The first of these is inheritance of property and the marxist argument that all social institutions, including the family, are shaped by the needs of those who own and controll societys productives forces i.e. the mode of production. In modern society it is a capitalist class who own and conrtrol these means of production. Marx pointed out that in early societies such as the hunter gatherers it was a classless structure, which he called "Primitive Communisim" and this worked because everyone owned the means of production communally. There was no need for a nuclear family, people lived in tribes or as Engels called it the "Promiscuous Horde". As production developed wealth was created, some members of society saw the advantages of private property and so society changed by being split into those who controlled the means of production and those who no longer did. This led to the patriarchal monogomous nuclear family. Engels view was that the owners of the private property (men) wanted to make sure that it was their heirs that inherited from them therefore it was necessary that monogomous nuclear families developed. Marx and Engels both claimed that the patriarchal nuclear family kept women under male control and
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