Argumentative Essay On Climate Change

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Lee Thé outlines the geological records which suggest that climate change is a natural phenomenon. The forces which caused those geological records are still in play. For example sunspot activity is presently low (you can search this on the internet e.g. Sun's Current Solar Activity Cycle Is Weakest in a Century) with some researchers suggesting that it may be reducing to the level of the Maunder Minimum which persisted at the time of the Little Ice Age, 300-400 years ago. Another geological record, the cycling of ice age/inter glacial periods, suggest that the earth is approaching the end of the present interglacial, the Holocene. I think, though, that you wish to know whether or not human activity is a major driver in climate change? Human influence, sometimes called Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), more recently just Climate Change, has been a hotly debated topic over the last three decades, with proponents for and against arguing shrilly about AGW theory. It is best to avoid the most shrill arguments and concentrate on known facts. 1. Carbon dioxide is a "greenhouse" gas (in that it absorbs infra-red energy reflected from the surface of the earth), but so is water vapour. Carbon dioxide constitutes about 0.04% of the atmosphere. Water vapour composition can be as high as 2-4%…show more content…
Sea level has been rising for the last century at a rate of 1-5 mm/year (depending on location). The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has maintained a project, called SeaFrame for over 30 years, which has recorded tidal rise and fall over a number of South Pacific islands, including Kiribati, which shows sea level changes of this size. Several islands show sea level falls of 1-2 mm/year. The measuring stations have instrumentation to monitor shifts in location and elevation which are used to correct the tidal measurements. Low-lying islands are vulnerable to storm and wind effects, but are not in danger of inundation caused by sea-level increase in the foreseeable

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