Apologetics Home Bible Study

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Dear Family and Friends, I am writing this letter to share with you the desire I have to serve the Lord with the gifts He has given me. I have been serving the Lord on two different worship teams at The Red Barn for many years; in addition, leading worship for the women’s bible study on Thursday nights for the past few years. I have been on several mission trips with The Red Barns’ Youth group in the past and I am presently growing in Christ through our church’s college and career bible study, as well as a home bible study on Apologetics where I am learning to give reason for the hope that is within me. I share the above things with you not to boast of anything in me, but rather to share that I believe the Lord has been preparing me through these different activities for more responsibility in Him. It is through the Apologetics home bible study that I found out about a mission trip to Port Au Prince, Haiti. The team I will be serving with is called The Remnant (Isaiah 1:9). It is made of approximately 20 young adults who have a never-ending desire to reach the world and share the love and hope of Christ, while meeting the physical and emotional needs of those who are…show more content…
My main goal in writing you this letter is to ask you to support me through prayer and funding as the Lord leads you. Haiti is a country of serious oppression and many strongholds. The practiced religions are Santeria and Voodoo. Please pray for us, as we have already begun to encounter spiritual battles in preparation for this trip. Also, pray for the country of Haiti and its people. And most of all, pray that God will ultimately receive all of the glory through us on this trip. We worship Him because He is worthy to be

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