Ant Based Control Case Study

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3.1 Ant Based Control (ABC) Ant Based Control model [29] is one of the ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based algorithm used for the telephone network. ABC uses fixed shortest-path routes, and also uses an alternative algorithmically-based type of mobile agent for use with network management. In ABC algorithm a number of agents called ants are continuously exploring the network from the sources to random destinations. Arriving at a node, they update the pheromones to their source node for its entire neighbor node, which corresponds to the probabilities for ants to select each neighbor node. ABC uses two ants 1) Exploratory ant 2) Actual ant. Exploratory ant makes a probabilistic decision for transmission and Actual ant makes a deterministic decision for transmission. Ants move from node to another node, selecting the next node to move to according to the probabilities in the pheromone tables for their destination node on arrival of a node, they update the pheromone table entry corresponding to their source node. They alter the table to increase the probability pointing to their previous node. Whenever ants reached their destination, they die. The increase in…show more content…
It consists of the local proactive route discovery within a node’s neighborhood and reactive communication between the neighborhoods. This network is divided into zones which are the node’s locality. The size of the zone is not determined locally, but by the radius length measured in hops. In this algorithm, an ant selects a node that produces the best path from the node to the destination. Than, an ant first selects a node that has not yet been visited by any other ants. The ant explores all the links adjacent to a node that has not yet been visited before selecting the next hop node. If there exists no such unvisited node, the ant searches for the next hop by considering the pheromone

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