An Analytical Review of the Lottery

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The Lottery is a short story by Shirley Jackson which is about a tradition, the lottery, held in a village every year. The theme of the story is about the danger of following a baseless and illogical tradition.
Throughout the story, irony is heavily used on the lottery itself. In the beginning of the story, Jackson positively described the setting of the story by stating “The flowers were blossoming and the grass was richly green.” (pg.74) and the villagers talking to each other gracefully. However, a person is about to get chosen to get stoned to death. Moreover, the term, lottery, is usually defined as getting chosen in a positive event, ironically, the lottery in the story is seen as a misfortune pick of death. The story also delivers irony through the character, Old Man Warren, while he criticizes the people who quit lotteries “pack of young fools”. Jackson also wrote, “Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones” (pg.80) in order to deliver an ironic tone through her role of a narrator.
The story also contains several examples of symbolisms. In the story, it didn’t mention when or for what particular purpose or reason that the tradition of the lottery is still being held. Although Old Man mentioned that there used to be a saying about “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon” (pg. 77), the rumor is lack of evidence and Old Man Warren is the only one who is familiar with it. For that reason, the lottery itself represents the uncertain traditions that are inherited and are still in use. The lottery box which had existed since the origin of the lottery symbolizes the faith of the public towards an illogical tradition. As Jackson stated, “Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much as the tradition as was represented by the
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