Advantage and Disadvantage of Car

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Q-1 What is the formula for the area of trapezium? *A* Bottom edge+top edge/2*height. *B* Bottom edge/2*height *C* Top edge/2*height Q-2 What is the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism? *A* Length*width*height. *B* Length*height *C* Width*height Q-3 What is the formula for the volume of a cone with a circle base? *A* Pi*radius of base^2*height of cone *B* 1/3of pi*radius of base^2*height of cone *C* 1/3*pi Q-4 Who discovered π as a mathematical constant *A* Euclid *B* Alistiar *C* Alberta Q-5 What is the formula for the volume of a pyramid with a square base? *A* Area of the base*height *B* 2*area of base*height *C* 1/3of the area of base*height Q-6 Who discovered polygon and quadrilaterals formulas? *A* Ejack Ulative Jue *B* Sophania gonrals *C* Eujack teuvislus Q-7 x+an=k=0nnkxkan-k, Identify this theorem? *A* Binomial theorem *B* Sector theorem *C* Exucular theorem Q-8 Identify the formula of lateral surface area of cube? *A* (4a2) sq.units *B* (6a2) sq.units *C* (2a2) sq.units Q-9 What is the formula of the area of the ring? *A* π R2- πr2 = π(R2-r2) *B* π R2 (R2-r2) *C* π(R2-r2) Q-10 -b=+-√b2-4ac/2a is the square root of? *A* ab2+x2+2 acx *B* ac2+x2=b+x2=0 *C* acx ac2+x2 x2=0 Q-11 ex=1+x1!+x22!+x33!+…, -∞<x<∞, this is ______ expansion. Identify it. *A* Equacular *B* Taylor *C* Miths Q-12 “ABSOMD”, Identify this famous mathematical word with the help of the given options? *A*

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