Abraham Lincoln Research Paper Outline

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Abraham Lincoln I. Abraham Lincoln( 1809-1865) A. Born: February 12, 1809 B. Died: April 15, 18, 1865 II. Background A. Education Lincoln did not receive any formal education or college B. Occupations 1.Store Keeper in New Salem 2. Captain in war 3. Postmaster 4. Lawyer 5. State Legislature Illinois (1834-1842) 6. House of Representative Illinois (1847-1849) III. Terms of office First term: 1861-1865 IV. Election Issues The election issue during Lincoln’s running was the split of the democratic party. Each candidate had to have a favorable position to how to approach the issues in the south such as slavery. Abraham Lincoln won 59.4% of the electoral vote and 39.9% of the popular vote.
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