A Comparison of Macbeth and Mister Pip

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Immoral acts result in destruction when tempted with ambition and inability to act on the righteous conscience. Some of the many consequences include guilt and regret. In Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, and Mister Pip, written by Lloyd Jones, the characters are hungry for power and their own profit, which only results in mixed emotions of guilt and revenge and eventually, their downfall. Both writers use the theme of ambition and consequences of immoral acts as a conflict and advancement in plot, as their characters carry out impulsive behaviour thinking of only their own profit. As shown by Lloyd Jones and William Shakespeare in their respective novels, too much ambition for power and not being able follow one’s conscience leads to immoral acts that result in nothing but regret and guilt. Although the characters in both works have a sense of righteousness, they are unable to follow their conscience, which result in immoral acts. Dolores demonstrates this quality when she decides, against her righteous conscience, that she cannot take responsibility for the poor condition the village is in, but she could let the whole village suffer and let Mr. Watts take the blame for something she did. Although she “[lays] awake thinking –knowing what the right thing to do was” (Lloyd 112), she continues to let this valuable secret that could save her village, weigh on her conscience. Similarly, Matilda also makes the same mistake as her mother by keeping her mom’s secret from the village. This unrevealed information result in the death of Mr. Watts and Dolores. Matilda was too occupied with thinking of the pain it would cause her mother to follow her conscience and do the right thing. Even though she has better intentions than her mother, she still performs an immoral act while knowing the error in her actions, “I wanted to, but I did nothing” (Lloyd 108). Likewise, Macbeth
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