6-10 American Passages: Multiple Choice Questions

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________ 1301 Exam 2 Review Chapters 6-10 American Passages 25 of the following Multiple Choice Questions will appear on the exam. 1. Which of the following could impose taxes under the Articles of Confederation? A) The central government B) State assemblies C) Voters D) Congress E) The national court 2. Which of the following was authorized under the Articles of Confederation? A) Each state had an equal vote in Congress. B) Congress could levy taxes. C) Congress could raise troops when needed. D) Individual states coined their own money. E) All of these 3. What was the first religious group to prohibit members from owning slaves? A) Baptists…show more content…
B) Jefferson directed the prosecution from afar. C) Marshall’s narrow definition of treason caused the case against Burr to collapse. D) Burr probably became more interested in the idea after losing the presidential election. E) All of these 53. As president, Thomas Jefferson achieved all but which of the following? A) He lowered taxes. B) He established a smaller government. C) He purchased the Louisiana Territory. D) He lowered the American debt. E) He forced Britain to respect American neutral trading rights. 54. The United States went to war with Britain in 1812 for all but which of the following reasons? A) Britain’s continued impressment of U.S. sailors B) The British sinking of a U.S. ship in the West Indies C) The belief that the British were inciting unrest in Native American tribes D) British interference with U.S. ships headed for French ports E) All of these were reasons for war 55. Support for the declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812 came primarily from A) eastern bankers. B) Federalists. C) Republicans. D) southern slaveholders. E) western and southern war…show more content…
Students will choose one to complete. 1. To what extent did the War of Independence bring about basic changes in American politics and society? In your answer, discuss how the American Revolution affected women; describe the economic woes that plagued the new nation, discuss the major causes, and explain the strategies employed by the Confederation to confront them, and successful the government’s response was; explain why the Confederation period witnessed deep disagreements between eastern elites and western farmers and what the issues were surrounding these disagreements, how were they were resolved, and to whose general benefit Discuss how each of the following affected these events: Shays’s Rebellion, the establishment of the Bank of North America, and the establishment of the Northwest

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