4.02 Monitoring the Heart

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Part I: Pulse Rate Take your pulse at the wrist, as described on the Work Out tab of 4.02, and record it below. Your count for 30 seconds 53 x 2 = 106 bpm | Count again for 1 minute only = 98 bpm | Part II: Resting Heart Rate (RHR) a. a. Record your heart rate for an equivalent of a minute b. b. Do not eat for two hours prior to taking your resting heart rate. c. c. Sit or lay down for at least 30 minutes before taking resting heart rate. d. d. An ideal time to take your resting pulse is immediately after waking from a night's sleep. Take your resting heart rate for three days then find the average for three days. Day 1 __97___ | Day 2 __104___ | Day 3 ___113__ | Total ___314__ divide by 3 = ___104.66__ This is your Resting Heart Rate | Part III: Computing Your Target Heart Rate Zone (THR) Your THR Zone is a range in which you are giving your heart a good workout. Exercising in your THR Zone yields the greatest benefit from exercise. Read the following information and study the examples provided before completing this activity. 1. 1. Obtain your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) by subtracting your age from 220.
 | | | | Example220 – 21 = 199 220-18=202 | Your Information220 - ____ = ____ (your MHR) | | | 1. 2. Subtract your resting heart rate (RHR) that you calculated in Part II above from the maximum heart rate (MHR) that you just determined in Step 1. | | | | Example199 - 70 (RHR) = 129 202-70=132 | Your Information(MHR – RHR = ____)____ - ____ = _____ | | | 3. 3. Determine the percent of heart rate reserve at which you choose to train.

The lower limit of heart rate reserve for training purposes is 50% of your answer from Step 2. The safe upper limit is 85% of your answer from Step 2. | | | | Example Lower Limit129 x .50 = 64.5 132 x .50=66 | Example Upper Limit 129
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