“a Fear of Democracy Runs Through Liberalism” Discuss.

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Democracy is essentially the idea of rule by the people, for the people and of the people and therefore governing in the public interest; it would be hard to see many liberals going against the idea of democracy itself, whilst criticisms of it are also not rare. Firstly, one can see that the origins of Liberalism came from the rationalism of the Enlightenment and emergence of market capitalism leading to the events which marked liberal history; the American and French revolutions. The Americans were seeking refuge from the British Crown and the French from undemocratic institutions. Freedom was the first goal of both countries and mainly focused on freedom from oppression and arbitrary rule. The idea of freedom and pursuing democracy is especially pushed within classical liberalism and this can be seen through thinkers such as John Locke who envisioned individuals as being free and equal, having given consent to the government and therefore authority deriving from them not the people above. The French liberal Benjamin Constant said that the main enemies of liberty were over “powerful governments” and J.S Mill backed this point up with his view that the only purpose which power can rightfully be exercised over a member of a civilised society, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. Through the ideas of these thinkers within classical liberalism it is clear that because democracy defends freedom, it is promoted by liberalism as it allows citizens to protect themselves from tyrannical governments and not be repressed by the state. Furthermore, one can see that through democracy a political consensus is promoted which leads to political stability, if not everyone is given an equal chance to voice their opinion and views then this would go against the idea of giving the people free speech and steering away from an over paternalistic government. Indeed, it can be

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