Zombie in Pop Culture

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Zombies in popular culture Everywhere we look in the news, media, television, games and in the movies we are seeing all forms of zombies. With the success of television show “The Walking Dead” movies like “World War Z” and games like “Resident Evil” Zombie(s) have become main stream in popular culture (www.esquire.com). Zombie fascination is not new as there are stories and writings dating back hundreds of years on zombies or the undead. The more common reference to zombies is in Voodoo culture where you can raise the dead to obey your commands, be turned into a zombie for crossing a person or be put in a zombie like state and be buried alive as seen in the movie “The Serpent and the Rainbow”( www.imdb.com) . In the movie a journalist is seeking information on a drug that can render a person in a zombie like state where they are buried alive and then emerges from the grave. The person while in this state does not communicate nor show any type of emotion or recollection of who they are. It is claimed where the term zombie is originated. While this is only one interpretation of the zombie genre that does not go into how or why this subject is so popular culture. Why is the subject so popular now than it was 15-20 years ago? One reason is believability; can this be seen as a reality? Yes, the thought of zombies attacking the general population is farfetched, or is it. Who can say that there is some strain of virus or bacteria that can affect the human body to give the appearance /actions of a zombie. What is more than one strain comes together to form a new strain that has these effects on humans. All the forms of zombie entertainment have a certain form of how it came about and in some terms and situations it can be believable. In the past movies and books there is no back-story, the world is as it is. The viewer, reader has to start from the middle and come up

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