Zinn Chapter 3 Summary

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ZINN CHAPTER 3 - Study Questions 1. What is Zinn’s thesis in this chapter? While the colonial period advanced, the rich whites and the poor whites developed a structure which led to tension. This structured helped the rich whites discover helpful ways to help themselves by finding a way to use middle class and poor men. Examples include having men create a frontier to protect from Indians. 2. What was the underlying cause of Bacon’s Rebellion? Farmers residing in the western side of Virginia were frustrated towards Governor Berkeley and the House of Burgesses because they didn’t protect the West from the Indians. 3. What was the “double motive” of the Virginia government vis-à-vis Bacon’s Rebellion? The House of Burgesses wanted…show more content…
What groups of people took part in Bacon’s Rebellion? Free men, indentured servants, and black slaves were the groups of people who took part in Bacon’s Rebellion. 5. Explain indentured servitude (also known as the “headright system”). Indentured servitude or the headright system is a type of system that has Englishmen work for 5-7 years in exchange for a ride to the New World. When in indentured servitude, servants may not be married or have children, 6. How did the voyage of indentured servants to America compare with the “Middle Passage.” Similar to the “Middle Passage”, the voyage of indentured servants was very crowded and also had many health problems. On the other hand, these indentured servants weren’t in chains and also weren’t subjected to harsh conditions. 7. What generally happened to indentured servants after they became free? More than 80% of all the indentured servants either remained poor, died, or returned to England after they became free. 8. To what extent did a class structure emerge in America by 1700? The poor people were booming with their population while the rich people were monopolizing and acquiring more wealth. The middle class of artisans and merchants started to develop around this
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