Zeitoun Thesis

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Zeitoun, by David Eggers, is a nonfiction book that follows an American-Muslim family during hurricane Katrina. Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a father of four, is a hardworking Syrian immigrant who created a construction company in New Orleans. He and his wife, Kathy, are key members of society: owning a local business, and several properties in the area. Zeitoun decided to stay behind to watch over their land holdings while the hurricane hits. Believing “a home is worth fighting for” (Eggar 70). He survives the hurricane and sets off to help other in a metal canoe. He saved multiple people and animals. But while checking up on a property the police arrested him under the charges of terrorism. This landed him 3 months in jail with no phone calls, or trial. If not for Kathy and multiple other…show more content…
He was wrongfully accused of terrorism based on his race; Afterward treated like an animales. The novel Monster by Walter Dean Myers, about the wrongfully accused african american boy Steve Harmon, gives the same themes and offers a better look on its effect on youth. It is more relative to the students in the classroom since the main protagonist is a kid our age in a similar impoverished area. He happens to be in the wrong place at the right time. Causing him to be accused of being the look out for the murder of a convenience clerk. The book takes place after he was arrested, and the majority of it is in Stevens play format that he uses to coup with the stress of prison. Similar to Zeitoun, he was forgot and mistreated because of his race “O'BRIEN […] You're young, you're Black, and you're on trial. What else do they need to know? STEVE I thought you're supposed to be innocent until you're proven guilty? “(Meyers 81) Meyers book is a much better option for the classroom because it has the same theme as Zeitoun, but offer the readers a young view of the justice system, and racial
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