ZZ Packer's Short Story 'Brownies'

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Laurel, the narrator of ZZ Packer’s short story “Brownies”, experiences different complexities of relations between whites and blacks during her fourth grade Brownie Troop’s camping trip at Camp Crescendo. Through the idea of groupthink, Packer reaches the revelation of dehumanizing and the perpetuation of marginalization of all racial groups. Gaining acceptance and belonging expresses the true meaning behind groupthink or tribalism; however, conforming to these groups leads to losing one’s own individualism and compromising their personal beliefs. One tends to follow this trend also due to one’s fears of challenging the social norm. In the Brownies situation it is their deep rooted southern traditions; however, this teaching of protect…show more content…
Maybe she has the most privileged lifestyle or she is the prettiest but there is a dominating factor that shows her as inferior to others. For example, in the movie Mean Girls, there is a pack of girls called “the plastics” and their alpha is Regina George, who recruits a new girl named Cady and makes her over into the newest member of the clique. The other girls that are a part of the clique are all fearing of Regina because she is pretty, rich and fits the ideal white high school female. “She’s the queen B- the other two are just her little workers.” (Mean Girls). Gretchen and Karen are Regina’s faithful minions who will do whatever it takes to stay in her good graces. They sabotage Cady’s Halloween party; bleach Janis’ hair and destroying the infamous burn book. By going through all Regina’s tasks it gives them dominion over other girls in their school. Yearning for Octavia’s luscious locks, Arnetta possesses power over the other Brownies since Octavia and Arnetta are friends. Octavia’s mane makes her envied because it opens the door for her to become a part of the white girl’s world that is televised. Medias take on the beauty has socially engrained that “white” beauty creates inferiority amongst other races because physically this is…show more content…
“They smell like wet Chihuahuas.” (Packer 2). Arnetta makes this statement to her troop members as the girls from Troop 909 were entering Camp Crescendo. Packer’s word choice defines the thin line between the two different troops: The “white” girls versus the “black” girls. These terms attract the reader’s interest due to their rough and gruesome contexts and underlying meanings. It also expands on the idea of during early childhood some children are exposed to the concept of prejudging. Interacting with whites is not common for the Brownies, so automatically each reveal their hatred and envy of Troop 909, except for Laurel, because she has never encountered racism.. In the short story, “Brownies”, the term downgrades not only the white girls’ troop but white people in general. Arnetta amplifies the word wet by using the noun, Chihuahua, which are small weak “lap” dogs. Packer’s diction shows whites as privileged, since they can sit in laps, and also demonstrates the tension between the two
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