Your Use Of Idiolect

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Explore How Your Use of Idiolect Could Affect Social Attitudes During this research I have made some profounding discoveries. Due to location or your environment, every area of the world has their own type of language they are accustomed to. No one knows why but it is the way things are. Some may welcome it and even try to imitate it, others may disregard it. With that acknowledgement stereotypes start to evolve. It became apparent that the language adopted by teenagers in particular; has been associated with very negative connotations. There seems to be the perception that slang is language of only the uncultured and the uncultivated. For my personal evaluation I was stunned at the way I actually talk and what people thought about it. You never really pay attention to the way you speak unless you are not being understood. For me to gain a better understanding of my idiolect I recorded various conversations I had with my peers and with people who have authority over me. From them, I chose 3 conversations that I believe I truly express my idiolect and dictated it to a transcript. The 3 transcripts are conversations held between me and my Mum, one of my close friends and my teacher Mr. Sango. The 1st conversation I’m going to analyse is between my Mum and me. You should be expecting the upmost respect and discipline in the conversation but I think that my Mum and me’s conversation differ, not that there’s no respect in the conversation but because I am casual around her. She calls my name for some time before calling me in her dialect, she normally uses her mother tongue when she’s annoyed or in urgency. We both use paralinguistic features because we know each other so well – who knows me better than my Mum- that we know what each other’s going to say before one even thinks about it. I show respect as whenever my Mum says something I either answer with ‘Yes Mum’

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