Young Offenders Essay: Hsc Legal Studies: Full Marks

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Critically evaluate how the legal system responds to the issue of juvenile justice. Refer to strategies for crime prevention, issues surrounding arrest and detention, diversionary schemes and court proceedings for young people. As an age group characteristically prone to immaturity, susceptibility to peer pressure, and attention seeking behavior, it is no surprise that 15-19 year olds commit 3 times more crime than any other age group. As a result, the controversial question remains unanswered; How is our legal system equipped to handle juvenile justice? Juvenile justice can be defined as the sector of the law applicable to persons not of legal age. Complying with the United Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child, the juvenile justice system aims to combine the welfare and justice approaches to youth crime, in order to keep the best interests of the child as the most prominent of priorities. However, there remains a considerable list of aims to be addressed when the issue of responding to juvenile justice arises. These include decreasing rates of recidivism, providing rehabilitation into society, and ultimately recognizing that due to mental immaturity and lack of legal knowledge, young offenders require a degree of protection. The extent to which our legal system is able to adequately provide this is at times, questionable. Arrest and detention, as well as a lack of crime prevention strategies, foster criminogenic behavior, or, future criminal activity. However, diversionary schemes and court proceedings are examples of successful programs, incorporating actions that encourage the rehabilitation of juveniles. This consequently establishes a moderately effective juvenile justice system. It is widely accepted that childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood are pivotal development stages in regards to human behavior. The circumstances a young adult
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