Young Marx with Special Reference to His Concept of ‘Alienation’ and ‘Freedom’

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Write an essay on young Marx with special reference to his concept of ‘alienation’ and ‘freedom’. “The philosophers have only interpreted the world; the point is to change it” - Karl Marx (Theses on Feuerbach, Thesis 11) Karl Marx is notably one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western Political Philosophy who had a deep impact in guiding the contours of the modern world. Apart from his deeply philosophical early works, his later writings establish a link with contemporary philosophical debates, especially in the philosophy of history and the social sciences, and in moral and political philosophy. Karl Marx is known not only as a philosopher but also as a revolutionary communist, whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes in the twentieth century. In the context of Marx’s writings, scholars speak of two Marx: the young and the old. While the old Marx was more deterministic with his in-depth study of the workings of capitalism, the young Marx was concerned with alienation, human nature and morality. However, there is disagreement to when Marx's thought began to mature, and the problem of the idea of a "Young Marx" is the problem of tracking the development of Marx's works and of its possible unity. The problem thus centers on Marx's transition from philosophy to economics. This essay will focus on the works of Marx prior to 1846 specifically on the dominant theme of alienation and freedom. An attempt is made to paint an account of Marx’s concept of alienated labour which includes a discussion on the concept of alienation and the four types of alienation and how freedom can be achieved. In this regard understanding the influences on young Marx are also important and hence a brief discussion on the same is included. In the early works of Marx, notably his Economic
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