Young and Middle Adulthood Case Studies

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Young and Middle Adulthood Case Studies Teresa A. Sigler BSHS 325 June 17 2015 Johnetta Barnes Young and Middle Adulthood Case Studies I chose case study number one that involves both Jackson and his mother Tina. Jackson is a 25 year old male who has an extremely close relationship with his mother Tina who is a 45 year old single mother who works as a high school teacher. Jackson lived at home with his mother until he left home to go to college; which he did right after high school. In this following paper, I will discuss the issues that Jackson has gone through within his life, and explain the impact that they may have had on his development throughout his life. Jackson’s life at home consisted of growing up in a single parent home with just his mother Tina as his primary parental figure. Jackson’s biological father was never a part of his life. The only male parental figure that Jackson ever had in his life was his mother’s boyfriend Michael, who would often attempt to be the father figure that Jackson needed when he felt that Jackson needed him to do so. Being raised all of his life by just his mother in a single parent household may have caused Jackson to feel different from the other kids that he grew up with, and to be stigmatized for his family make up(Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010). He may have also resented Michael for trying to take his father’s place in his life and for trying to take some of his mother’s attention away from him. During high school, Jackson had two different intimate relationships with two separate girls. One was with Alice and the other was with Beth. Each of these relationships lasted 6 months, and he had asked both of them to marry him at some point during the relationship. Eventually, at some point during each relationship, Jackson broke off both of the engagements. Both Alice and Beth both said that Jackson was distant
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