Year Of Wonders, Sign Of a Witch Summary

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Despite the best available care, Anna’s older son – Jamie – sickens and dies. Anna greives. As other lives are claimed by the plague, the villagers seek for a scapegoat and find one in Mern Gowdie, now believed to be a witch. Anna, who is tending her sheep on the moors, tries to prevent an angry mob from testing whether Mern is a witch by ‘swimming’ her. She is cast roughly aside, hits her head and passes out. In the meantime, Anys Gowdie, having heard news of what is happening, rushed to Mern’s aid. The crowd turns on Anys accusing her, in her turn, of being a witch and having consorted with George Vicars, now regarded as a male witch and an instrument of the devil. It is because Anna has betrayed Anys’ secret that they are privy to her connection with Viccars. Although Anna plans to run to Mompellion for help, she is struck to the ground and is powerless to stop the mob hanging Anys. Before she dies Anys claims to have had sex with the devil and asserts that many of the village women have done likewise. Mompellion arrives, too late, and tells the assembled villagers that the real work of the devil is what they themselves have done in killing an innocent woman. He cause them to repent their actions. Key quote: “You are a good mother, Anna Frith ... Your arms will not be empty forever. Remember that when the way looks bleak to you.” Pg 84 Anys forsees hardships ahead for Anna, but reassures that even if she loses both her sons, another phase of her life awaits
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