Yankee Fork and Hoe Case

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1. First, planning department lacks enough communication with marketing department. Planning department arbitrary modify the forecasts. They think that marketing department inflates forecasts. However, marketing departments provide forecasts based on actual shipping data from last year. Thus, planning department should have considerable understanding of how marketing department make forecasts and take the forecasts as given. Second, marketing department generate unfaithful forecasts by only making adjustments to the past shipment, not predicting future demands. Marketing departments should develop a forecasting system which could both reflect past shortages and future expected demands. Also, they should use actual demand data not shipment data. Finally, planning department need to make earlier schedule. They are now generating a monthly final assembly schedule. However, considering that manufacturing forging gets are limited per day, assembly schedule should be made several months earlier. 2. This table shows the actual demand for the bow rake. Yankee Fork and Hoe Company should use quantitative forecasting rather than judgmental forecasting. Annual demand had increased continuously. Thus we can expect that the total demand of year 4 would close to 33078*5+426100=591,490. According to the above chart, demand for the bow rake is affected by seasonal factors. To conclude those assumptions, monthly forecast of year 5 can be calculated as (average monthly demand of year1~5+trend)*seasonal index. Trend is (year4-year1)/4. Seasonal index is average monthly demand/level. Level is total demand/48 = 42400. Total forecast is 582,680 which is close to 591,490. Thus we can conclude that forecast follows yearly

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