Wuthering Heights Essay on Chapters 3 4 and 5

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Chapters 3, 4 and 5 Chapter 3 1. What does Catherine Earnshaw’s diary add to the narrative? Catherine Earnshaw’s diary adds to the narrative a complex, interlocking structure of this text. Catherine’s diary s described by Lockwood as a commentary, written in the margins of Branderham’s sermon. The diary allows for Wuthering Heights to be read as a parable, in that it is Lockwood’s narration of a story which is adjacent to the mysterious events which he is trying to understand. 2. How is the extent of Heathcliff’s anguish revealed when he hears of Lockwood’s dream? Heathcliff’s anguish is revealed to a large extent when he hears of Lockwood’s dream. This is through detailed description of his body language; ‘crushing his nails into his palms, and grinding his teeth to subdue the maxillary convulsions’. Although Heathcliff is attempting to suppress his distress, it is clear that he is so since ‘convulsions’ are a sudden violent movement of the body, which he is so evidently trying to hide with great desperation. He ‘struggled to vanquish an excess of violent emotion’ and thus puts his candle light down to hide his pain. It is further evident that Heathcliff attempts to hide his anguish when he waits till the lights are out to dry his eyes, ‘by the motion of his shadow’s arm, dashing a tear from his eyes’. As soon as Lockwood is gone, or so he believes, Heathcliff cannot help but release ‘into an uncontrollable passion of tears’. 3. Identify the gothic elements in this chapter. How is the suspense built up in this chapter? Suspense is immediately built up in this chapter through introducing the reader to a room at the top of the house, which Zillah confides, is both secret and forbidden. Lockwood is told Heathcliff has ‘an odd notion about the chamber’ and this initial description of setting foreshadows the later gothic events while
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