Writen Response To "The Story Of An Hour"

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English 1102 9 February 2012 Response to “The Story of an Hour” One of the stories that we were assigned to read was “The Story of an Hour”. It's found in chapter 11 and was written by Kate Chopin. When I started reading the background of Chopin I became interested in the story, because it talked about a woman's lifetime's emotional torment and the momentary joy of freedom. At the beginning of the story, it explains how Mrs. Mallard “was afflicted with a heart trouble” (115), it made me think that her heart problem was her torment. At first I thought that her condition of the heart was part of her lifetime torment, but I wasn't thinking that her torment was something emotional and not physical. Later on I started to realized that her heart problem was not her lifetime's torment but if not her husband. The first time I reed the story I had a hard time connecting to it, but after I finished reading it the second time, I was more connected to it than what I thought I was going to be. The first time reading the story I was looking at it from the wrong angle and with the wrong perspective; that is why it was hard for me to connect and understand the story. I had on my mind that she was a women that had suffered from a heart condition and that on top of that, her lovely husband had died. It was not after I read that “She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.” (115), that I realized that her lifetime emotional torment was not her heart. Before I went further on reading, I started to think of how I feel calm and peaceful sometimes when problems are solved or they just disappear, and that's when it hit me. The reason why Mrs. Mallard was feeling calm was, because of her husbands death. Later on in the story explains how her husband “had never looked saved upon love to her” (116). Everything from this point and

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