Write Some of the Ways Fitzgerald Tells the Story in Chapter 3 of ‘the Great Gatsby’

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Write some of the ways Fitzgerald tells the story in Chapter 3 of ‘The Great Gatsby’ Fitzgerald depicts the lavish lifestyle and heightened characterisation with a detailed description of Nick’s first encounter of a party hosted by Gatsby and the meeting of Gatsby himself. The use of poetic prose, materialistic symbolism and gossipy dialogue allows Fitzgerald to continue to entice the reader with the developed plot in chapter 3. In chapter 3, Nick’s unreliable narrative is represented with the influence of alcohol, ‘I had taken two finger bowls of champagne and, the scene had changed before my eyes.’ This implies to the reader that Nick’s vision is distorted, ‘changed before my eyes’, indicating that the recollection of events may not be accurate, which is a common feature of an unreliable narrator. The hazy recall is hinted at with the mention of ‘glasses bigger than finger bowls’ which contrasts with the later comment ‘I had two finger bowls of champagne’ demonstrating blurred memories affecting the plot presented to the reader. The narrative device of gossipy dialogue is used to depict Gatsby’s character and present a heightened sense of mystery and drama surrounding the perplexity of the protagonist. Rumours such as ‘he killed a man’ and ‘he was a German spy’ create a theatrical yet domineering addition to Gatsby’s character, making him seem almost out of reach and God like, linking to the symbolism of Dr T. J. Eckleburg in Chapter 2. The violent and negative association to Gatsby such as ‘killed’ and ‘spy’ add to the drama by seeming more scandalous, thus more exciting to continue as rumour meeting the ideals of the guest’s image of Gatsby. Ironically Gatsby meets most of these ideals later on in the novel, hinting at a twentieth century tragedy with chapter 3 depicting Gatsby at his high point leading to a downfall. The use of gossipy dialogue also

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