Write an Essay You Would Follow in Developing a Psychological Assessment Measure

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PYC 4807 Write an essay on the process you would follow in developing a psychological assessment measure. SECTION A From doing all the readings it would seem that the development of a psychological test is a very long and costly process, mainly due to the items having to go through several processes. Let’s take a look at the various phases involved in developing a psychological test measure as outlined by Foxcroft and Roodt (2009). 1. Planning Phase * This phase involves determining the subject the test would cover. In other words, establishing a blueprint/plan for the test. * We would ask ourselves the question what attribute, construct or characteristic will it measure. If we take an example related to tests conducted with regard to pre employment screening one would look at constructs such as the individual’s ability/potential to do the job, his/her attitude which relates to personality (to be a sales person one cannot really be an introvert but a people’s person) and integrity of the individual as no employer wants to employ someone who could turn out to be dishonest in the future. These are just a few examples of the constructs that would be measured. * What would the measure be used for? In the above example it is clear that the measure would be used for screening purposes; however some measures can be developed for in depth diagnostic assessment or for competency based selection and training purposes which also ties in with the above example. * What types of decisions would be taken on the basis of the test scores, e.g. whether to hire a prospective employee or not? Is an employee ready for a promotional or management position? To establish school readiness for children. To establish what career to follow? To find out one’s strengths and gifting in order to operate effectively in one’s work environment. * For which group of people
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