Would You Rather Live During the Renaissance or the Middle Ages?

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Many people ask the question, would you rather live during the Renaissance or the Middle Ages? Personally, I would much rather live in the Renaissance period. I really enjoy trying new things and experiencing different aspects of life. I also like how the Renaissance is a time in which the great artists made their debut into the history books for their masterpieces. Two great timeless artists, Michelangelo and Leonardo, made their great masterpieces during this time. It would be absolutely incredible to be around these people and others of their time. The Middle Ages was a time in which people lived under highly formal rules and regulations. I do not like that the Churches governed the people and had a lot of authority. Religious freedom, a right I think everyone should possess, was almost always abridged. Another thing I didn’t like about the Middle Ages is the fact that people really didn’t have adequate knowledge to think critically about issues. When a powerful figure said something, the people would take it as law, and did not question it. A person could be criminally prosecuted for simply going against Church teachings. An example is when Galileo challenged the belief that all things in the solar system orbit the Earth. Galileo looked at the night sky and calculated that all things in the solar system orbit the sun. However, despite the fact he was correct, he was imprisoned for life by the church. Now, the Renaissance was called the major rebirth that the world needed. People were sick and tired of the old ways, so they worked toward reform. People wore more casual clothes, they started focusing less on religion, and they made beautiful works of art. People relooked at Galileo’s work and proved that Galileo was correct in the fact that the sun is the center of the solar system. The common people also challenged other past teachings of the
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