Worldview Of Islam, Part One: Islam

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Part One: Worldviews (Islam) 1.The Question of Origin-Muslims just like Jews believe in one God, which they call Allah and like the Jews believe that God created the heavens and the earth the Muslims believe Allah created the heavens and earth and mankind ,and also in their Quran it very close to the first chapter in the Bible(Genesis). 2.The Question of Identity-Muslims believes that Islam is a way of life, and that Allah is is in total control and is sovereign over creation. To be a Muslims they must have a personal relation to Allah and be totally submitted to the Will of Allah as it is told in their Quran. All Muslim, whether American, Pakistani our whatever they are Muslim. 3.The Question of Meaning/Purpose-A Muslims purpose is to submit to Allah. They only believe that Allah's guidance is the only guidance as it has been told in the Holy Quran(Sura 6:71). They Believe that the Bible is correct that it has been corrupted and The prophet Muhammad was use by God to be the Last prophet to communicate his plan to mankind…show more content…
They also believe that unbelievers can commit sin cause they do not fear Allah ,Ask a Muslim why you will not take what is not his and would say because of the teaching of our religion. 5.The Question of Destiny-The Muslims beliefs our similar to the Christian beliefs that they believe in Paradise(Christian calls Heaven) and Hell. They believe that they will reach Paradise by their good works. Thy also believe that like the Christian that if they do not accept God(Allah to the Muslim) that their eternal state is
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