World War I: Allied Vs. Central Powers

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I. World War I -Terms Allied vs. Central Powers- Triple Entente (central powers): France, Britain, Russia; Triple Alliance (allied powers): Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Unrestricted submarine warfare- type of naval warfare where submarines sink merchant ships without warning; German U-boats: Submarine September 1914, sank 3 British boats April 1917 German Submarines sank over 800,000 tons of Allied shipping Affect was that Allies started using large specially equipped fleets designed to guard merchant ships Sussex Pledge- promise made in 1916 during World War I by Germany to the United States prior to entry in war March 24, 1916: the Sussex was torpedoed—50 lives lost May 4, 1916: Germany issued the Sussex pledge in order to…show more content…
Russian Revolution -Terms Czar Nicholas II- last Russian czar; clumsy and ineffective leader; bad at decision making; abdicated the throne; July 1918 executed by the Bolsheviks along with his family; tried to hold back cultural changes; Economic developments Encouraged growth of industries by investing national funds Ordered tariffs to protect Russian products from foreign trade Encouraged foreign investment Bloody Sunday-January 22, 1905 massacre in St. Petersburg, Russia; unarmed demonstrators trying to get better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature; provoked a wave of strikes across the country; Imperial Guard open fired when they went to Nicolas’s palace; By October 1905, Czar promised parliament and more freedom Abdicate- to resign as a ruler VI Lenin- founder of Bolshevik party organizer of October Revolution armed workers, soldiers, and sailors stormed Winter Palace (headquarters of provisional government) bloodless Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionary delegates withdrew from Congress Made Russia into a Communist…show more content…
* Tiananmen Square- Students gathered in Tiananmen Square to mourn the death of a progressive Chinese leader; eventually grew into a peaceful protest for democratic reforms; crowds grew to 1 million students; government demanded that they leave, some did but many remained; government brought in the military and opened fire on the protesters; exact death toll is unknown but ranges from a few hundred to a few thousand; brought forth discontent many people had with the communist regime; government arrested many who were sympathetic with protests after square was cleared; information about massacre is censored in
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