Workout 1.1 Essay

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Q. No. 1. List and explain the five stages of change. What stage are you at in regards to your own exercise program? Answer: Pre Contemplation – the client has no intention of changing their habits in the near future. Contemplation – the client is seriously considering changing their exercise habits but hasn’t actually done anything about it. Preparation – the client is starting to make small changes with the intention of starting in the near future. They are making inquiries into gym memberships etc. Action – the client has actually started an exercise program. Maintenance – the client is making an effort not to relapse into non-exercise habits. I am in Action and Maintenance, occasionally slipping into the preparation stage, trying to find time for more exercise to fit into my lifestyle. Q. No. 2. Interview a colleague who is currently participating in regular exercise. Inquire about the factors that: a) motivate them to exercise b) hinder exercise participation Answer: Spoke to a colleague at work, goes to the gym regularly for weight training and cardio workouts a) Is motivated to go each day because he likes the way he looks and feels. He knows that if he stops exercising he will start to put on weight and doesn’t want to have the troubles associated with been overweight. b) The main issue that hinders his exercise routine is long work hours. If he is working 12hr shifts, he finds it very difficult to get to the gym after work. When this happens he tries to get out early in the morning for runs with his dogs and a quick workout a home before leaving for work, but this is definitely not his preferred way of training. Q. No. 3. Research three factors that affect the health of cell membranes, for example, vitamin intake. Outline how these factors affect the health of cell membranes. Answer: 1. Vitamin intake – e.g. Vitamins C and

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