Working and Living Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

372 Words2 Pages
Working and Living Conditions during the Industrial Revolution Through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, England went through many changes. In the working and living conditions there were many changes and some people, like the working class, didn´t have neither working or living conditions. Children had to work and they had horrible working conditions and unhealthy lives. In England around the year 1832 the working conditions for kids were terrible; they worked sixteen hours a day and just had a period of forty minutes to rest in the sixteen hours. That was at noon. They didn´t have time to go to school and learn to have a better future; instead they worked all day and didn´t have too much to eat, so they were weak and got sick easily. This is how the working conditions were back then; it was unhealthy and very bad for the life of the children. It was very insalubrious for the children to work sixteen hours a day with just one meal and not being able to go to school. Year by year living conditions are getting better. Every day comfort and simple ways of doing things are being implemented. Our houses are better built, our clothes are cheaper, and travel is cheaper. Living conditions are great now compared to the way they were two hundred years ago. Back then workers struggled through life, now life in general is easier; people invent things that make our lives simpler to live. Working and living condition as in every place are not perfect; but for sure they are getting better for the children. There are still some places and people who use children and force them to work long hours, paying them a miserable amount of money and in atrocious conditions. Not only do they prohibit them to have better lives, but also they don´t allow them to get an education and be able to learn how to read and write. We all have to work hard to fight for the rights of the
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