Womans Contribution in Starship Troopers

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BookRags Student Essay Woman's Contribution In Starship Troopers For the online version of Woman's Contribution In Starship Troopers Essay, including complete copyright information, please visit: http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2003/4/27/111745/314/ Copyright Information ©2000-2012 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Woman's Contribution In Starship Troopers Essay Women play a significant role in everyday society. In the twenty first-century woman are considered equal to men in many perspectives although sometimes woman can be looked down upon. Women do many jobs that men do, they can be firefighters, policewoman and even enroll in the army with no hassles. In the fifties these jobs were only for men and men ruled society. Women were supposed to clean the house, watch the kids, cook and wear their pearl necklaces while vacuuming. Robert A. Heinlein did not take these elements into consideration while writing his controversial novel Starship Troopers. Heinlein wanted to portray woman as being equal or even better then men. Women were looked higher upon than the men were in the science-fiction classic Starship Troopers. "He ignored us. He managed to bow while sitting down and said, Good morning young lady, what can I do for you"" This passage from page twenty-three shows the difference of feelings that the enlister had on Johnny and Carl versus the feelings portrayed to Carmen. In Starship Troopers woman were pilots, they drove the intergalactic ships needed for battle. "Yes, yes I know they (woman) make better pilots than men do; their reactions are faster, and they can tolerate more gee. They can get in faster, get out faster and thereby improving everybody's chances, yours as well as theirs." Woman's physical and mental features surpassed the males in certain areas. Piloting was one of those areas. To be a pilot in the army was a great
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